Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mother-Daughter Relationship

Why are mothers judgmental and daughters defensive? Is it a matter of perception?

Tonight I was driving home from Santa Monica around 11 PM and decided to call my mom for a chat. Here’s an excerpt of the conversation.

Me: Hi, mom, what are you up to?
Mom: What’s wrong?
Me: [getting defensive] nothing!
Mom: You really should not be eating spinach this week.
Me: Mom, I know.
Mom: Where’s Hubby?
Me: He’s still at work.
Mom: Is he eating?
Me: Yes, I packed him lunch. The job paid for dinner
Mom: Did you eat?
Me: Yes, I had salad for lunch.
Mom: I told you no spinach.
Me: [defensive again] Mom it wasn’t spinach.
Mom: Why don’t you go to bed? Don’t you have work in the morning?
Me: [getting frustrated] Mom, it’s 11 PM, I’m driving home!
Mom: Where are you?
Me: Driving past Century City coming from Santa Monica.
Mom: Why are you out in Santa Monica so late?
Me: [extremely annoyed] I was hanging out with friends.
Mom: I guess that’s okay. Did you eat dinner with them?

This conversation would have been completely different with my dad. I would have told him I ate kettle corn for dinner and watched Grease on the big screen in Santa Monica. I told my mom nothing about my evening.


antitsunami said...

So funny - I can totally see your mom saying those things. It's so funny how americans are freaking so much about spinach. they should focus their energies on global warming, aids, and terrorism.

Bengali Chick said...

I know it's like calm down about the damn spinach. My mom drives me nuts!!!

MorningGlory said...

But, . . . .she's your guru!! If it weren't for her warnings, you'd be a complete mess eating spinach, not feeding your husband and hanging out til wee hours of the morning.

I'm kidding. She loves you. Bask in the joy of having someone who worries about you so much!

BidiSmoker said...

Word to morning glory. I love the focus on eating. I see it in my family, especially with my Mom and Grandma, who were both doctors, but still consider the most important part of caring for someone to be making sure they are well-fed. I think it's because they come from a society where being well-fed is such a struggle for so many people; perhaps this could apply to your mother as well.

Roonie said...

Oh, the documentation of a conversation with the mama going south. Happens to me a few times a week. You love her, but sometimes...well, you know!

Me said...

lol BengaliChick- my dad was actually the first one to tell me about the spinach, when I got an email from him titled "Bad Killer Spinach," which, not knowing the situation, I was like, good lord, what news article are you sending me now. The clincher arrived later on in the week, with an email sent to my sisters and I titled, "Avoid spinach at all costs. Bhat, dal, kapir torkari is best."

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...