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Law of Attraction 101

Like attracts like (positivity attracts positivity and negativity attracts negativity). In other words, universe gives you more of what you're feeling/experiencing. I.e. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed (stub your toe first thing), usually everything sucks that day.


A way to avoid being in a funk is to practice gratitude everyday. By having negative emotions such as feeling ungrateful makes it impossible to attract more good into my life b/c there is an underlying ungrateful attitude for what I currently have. This principle innately resonates with me.

What I plan on doing before I get out of bed in the morning and before I go to sleep at night, is run a list through my mind on what I am grateful for and tell the universe thank you. Throughout my day, when anything happens for which I am grateful (it can be as simple as finding a parking spot), I will try to relish the experience and say thank you.

Four things I am grateful for:
  1. My dad is lucid enough to treat his cancer with chemo.
  2. My husband always takes time to show me he loves me. He has been working psycho hours; yet he still found time for me. On Saturday he picked me up at LAX, and surprised me with an eclectic bouquet of flowers, bottle of bubbly and a box of dark chocolate filled with fruits and nuts. Yummy!
  3. The baby that will be growing in my belly and filling our lives with even more love.
  4. I love love love living in Los Angeles. It's 75+ degrees and sunny and glorious. L.A. is filled with interesting people. I went to Starbucks today and got a green tea frappachino and enjoyed people watching while I waited in line. There is so much color, flair and spunk in this City.

love this!! I'm taking a lesson from you: think positively and good things will happen. I did it all day today and after a hectic day of packing up to move while running after two little ones, I'm still in a good mood :)

indeed, there is much to be grateful for. Congrats!

i'm glad your dad is doing better. and you husband sounds like a sweetheart =)

I'm going to try to do the same. Be my mentor! I'm going to follow your lead, sensei!

Ur positivity has been affecting me positively! I've really enjoyed your last few posts on living life to the fullest. Thank you.

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