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Christmas was a blast and I have lots to share but I have food on the stove (and I don't want it to burn) -- so I'll be quick.

We had an interesting medley of people at my folks for Christmas. There were a few grad students that my parents adopted this Semester. They were all Hindu. We were talking about meat and one guy told me, "if you're gonna eat meat, you should be able to stomach the killing of the animal." I thought interesting.

The very next day we go to a holiday party (or after holiday party) at a friend of the family's. They own a huge lake and tons and tons of beautiful land. Hubby, my uncle and I go on a boat ride. They decide to go fishing and I'm immediately disturbed. The fish they pull up was adorable and suffocating. I felt so horrible. My uncle smashed a log over its head. I was freaking out. Then he decides to shoot a goose for my dad. I hear the gun go off and see this beautiful bird fall. Hubby runs to pick up the goose. All I remember was blood on the feathers and being extremely grossed out and sad.

They cooked the fish and the goose and ate it for dinner. I was disturbed but no one else around me was. I'm not saying that you have to be. I used to be what I call a commodity fettish-est. I could eat meat if it looked like a commodity -- in neat little Styrofoam containers with plastic wrap.

But not anymore. I am still disturbed and I can't eat meat anymore. I just made a hearty bowl of lentil/veggie soup. I'm off to eat.

I totally support your non-meat-eating decision boo. I would join you but then all I would eat are muffins and cake!

Wow. That would be enough to convert me, too. I've gone off red meat for the most part, and I generally stick to turkey, chicken, and fish, but alas...that is still meat. I'd like to totally leave meat altogether, but I'm not sure if I could give up sushi. I just don't know.

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