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Friday Night Elevator Terror

We’ve all heard about the infamous power outs in Cali. Well I had first hand experience on Friday night. I had just come home from the store with hubby with chicken (to make tandoori chicken) and ice cream b/c hubby is an addict. We’re rushing to the elevator so nothing melts and I want to start cooking. We get into the elevator, press the correct floor number, start moving up and then it just STOPPED. At first I was shocked, was I really stuck in an elevator? Well the power grid went down. It was over 100 degrees in the elevator. I wasn’t panic-ky b/c hubby was with me. We press the emergency button and they tells us an “elevator technician is on the way.” 30 minutes later we’re still trapped, hubby is shirtless lying down and we are sweating and dying of thirst. Starting to get a little panic-ky. We press the emergency button again and we’re told that our technician is stuck in a little good ole LA traffic. We decide we have to call 911 and try to get the fire department to help us b/c who knows when the technician will rescue us. Guess what happened? We were on hold for about 25 minutes with 911 and finally hung up out of frustration. What if we were hurt? Lesson learned, 911 is USELESS in LA. An hour later we were freed from the elevator.

The thing that pissed me off was that the apartment manager was outside the elevator and was telling us to not call 911 b/c she did not want the fire department to break her precious elevator. Stupid b*tch. I’m dying of heat and all she cared about was the cost??? She also was barking orders at us to try to pull some safety lever that opens the elevator door. Well let me tell you something, hubby and I could not pull out this safety lever. I don’t consider myself a genius but I have enough brains to know whether a button can pull out or not. Even though we explained this to her she didn’t stop yelling! When we got out of the elevator she was all attitude with us. What the f*ck?

I was PISSED – I was throwing a party the next day and all the electricity was off and I couldn’t cook. On a side note we lost power several times this weekend.

I woke up at 7:30 AM on Saturday to start cooking. I wasn’t going to let a little power outage ruin my party. The food turned out marvelous and I had a fab time.

We made an ice cream run after the music fest at the Getty to

Diddy Riese Cookies
926 Broxton AveLos Angeles, CA 90024

If you haven’t been there, you must. You can get an ice cream sandwich for $1.25, fresh cookies, you choose which kind of cookie and your ice cream flavor as well. Being gluten-free I opted for the $1.50 2 scoop sundae. YUM YUM.

The weekend ended up being terrific, filled with good food and good friends. Though I am a bit leery of taking the elevator now.

Oh my God! That's horrible! Thank God you were with hubby. And what a biatch the apt manager is! I would have smacked her when I got out. Ok, not really, but I would have thoughts =)

Glad your party still went well though and I hope they get that elevator checked out!

The horrible thing Sonia is that I apparently have bad short term memory b/c I keep using the elevator. I better keep my finger crossed. I told the apt manager off with quite vulgar words in my head.

i love DD. I miss it so much. Although, I hope they pay their workers well. It always seemed a bit shady to me.

I was thinking that too. I think they probably can keep prices down b/c of the volume or is this wishful thinking?

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