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Airport, Oh Sh*t Moment

Hubby dropped me off at LAX at 8 AM. I pulled out my wallet to make sure I had cash on me, before asking hubby for soda money. I noticed that my driver’s license wasn’t in its usual location. I started looking for it and all of a sudden it dawned on me that my driver’s license was at home. I wore an ultra cute outfit for Saturday night partying and paired it with my bright orange vintage purse. The purse is far too small to fit my enormous Coach wallet and my pda. I placed my driver’s license, Amex credit card and cash into the trusty zipper area of my purse along with lipstick and kohl liner. Funny thing is, I remembered this morning to grab my lipstick and liner from the orange purse and transfer it to my traveling Coach patchwork purse. Apparently, the driver’s license wasn’t on my mind, the way makeup always is.

At the security line, I pulled out my government I.D. and prayed that security wouldn’t hassle me. The security guard scrutinized the I.D. while scrunching up his face. He ushered me to a line with very few people instead of the line swarming with anxious travelers. I thought my goose was cooked and questioned him…

Me: Sir, is there a reason you want me to go to that line?
Guard: Madam, you are a government agent and armed, aren’t you?
For a moment, I felt ultra-cool.

*By the way, San Antonio is lush, green and gorgeous.

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Awww! Aren't U special!!!


Yes, I am cookie! *Taking a bow*

Were you armed?! Are you allowed to carry a weapon?

If the answer to either of these is yes, you are officially then the coolest chick I know.

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