Some say potato....

Some say poe-tot-oe
I only recently (year or so) have heard the term Bangladeshi, by a mean beotch of a girl. FYI: My family has always referred to us as Bengali.
[Setting some bar circa 2006]
Beotch: Are you South Asian?
Me: Yupsters
Beotch: Where you from?
Me: I'm Bengali.
Beotch: No you're not.
Me: [Confused] Uhm. Yes I am.
Beotch: Where are your parents from?
Me: Bangladesh
Beotch: You don't look Bangladeshi either.
Me: Where are you from?
Beotch: I'm Gujarati.
Me: [Just to be spiteful] Interesting. You certainly don't look Gujarati.
[Phone with mom circa 2006]
Me: Mom, are we Bengali or Bangladeshi?
Mom: WHAT??
Me: I dunno. Is there a difference.
Mom: Are you crazy or something? It's the same thing. [muttering] This girl knows nothing.
Looks like dictionary[dot]com is as confused as I am. Definition of Bengali (n) varies:
1) a native or an inhabitant of Bengal
2) an ethnic group speaking Bengali and living in Bangladesh and eastern India
I think I'll stick with Bengali Chick versus Bangladeshi Chick thanks to urban dictionary:

Some say poe-tot-oe
I only recently (year or so) have heard the term Bangladeshi, by a mean beotch of a girl. FYI: My family has always referred to us as Bengali.
[Setting some bar circa 2006]
Beotch: Are you South Asian?
Me: Yupsters
Beotch: Where you from?
Me: I'm Bengali.
Beotch: No you're not.
Me: [Confused] Uhm. Yes I am.
Beotch: Where are your parents from?
Me: Bangladesh
Beotch: You don't look Bangladeshi either.
Me: Where are you from?
Beotch: I'm Gujarati.
Me: [Just to be spiteful] Interesting. You certainly don't look Gujarati.
[Phone with mom circa 2006]
Me: Mom, are we Bengali or Bangladeshi?
Mom: WHAT??
Me: I dunno. Is there a difference.
Mom: Are you crazy or something? It's the same thing. [muttering] This girl knows nothing.
Looks like dictionary[dot]com is as confused as I am. Definition of Bengali (n) varies:
1) a native or an inhabitant of Bengal
2) an ethnic group speaking Bengali and living in Bangladesh and eastern India
I think I'll stick with Bengali Chick versus Bangladeshi Chick thanks to urban dictionary:
bengali, usually followed by the word chick or girl, then by a drool. bengali chicks are hotttt!!!!
It's like when Indians get mad when either Pakistani's or Bangladeshi's refer to themselves as 'desi' meaning 'country' in hindi. A guy once told me, "If they wanted to be refered to as desis, they shouldn't have put us through partition." It's all the bloody same. Who gives a shit?
Posted by
Esha |
July 9, 2007 at 5:57 PM
I always said Bangladeshi, but then I am Indian-Bengali and didn't know that people from Bangladesh also refer to themselves as Bengali or that it would be taken as an insult. I only learned recently that Bengali can mean from Bangladesh or India.
Posted by
CM |
July 17, 2007 at 8:16 PM