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Cold Hole

I have a cold uterus or cold stagnation. My co-worker told me I had a cold hole. I lost it and started laughing hysterically. I told her that I have a hot puss-puss. Anyhow, more on this topic later when I see my acupuncturist next week.

Dr. S called and told me all is normal and even though my glucose/insulin are normal that I have a low level insulin resistance which is causing the ovulation problem.

I sent an email to my bro-in-law, the smartest doctor I know, for his opinion:

Hey Dr. Sahib-

I need your expert medical advice. So as you know hubby and I have tried for a little over a year after the miscarriage to get preggo. Surprise! I'm not pregnant.

My OBYN and a reproductive endocrinologist ran several tests. All of my tests were normal:

  • HSG
  • Glucose/insulin fast test
  • Thyroid
  • FSH
  • Androgen
  • Ovaries -- no cysts
  • 17 hydroxy progesterone
  • Semen analysis
  • Beta HCG
  • Progesterone
  • TSH
  • Prolactin
And some other tests that I can't remember. [Side note: I started getting the list above by speaking to a nurse at the Fertility Center. The nurse started telling me the tests I had done and then I heard the doctor in the background say, "she's had all those tests done." The nurse then quickly got off the phone with me. It was kinda weird. The doctor didn't sound pissed but slightly irritated. I could be reading WAY too much into it.] But I have almost all of my medical records at home in the filing cabinet.

Anyhow, Dr. S
stated that he does not believe I ovulate every cycle. He did a transvaginal ultrasound about a week before I got my period and determined that I didn't ovulate this past cycle and I wouldn't ovulate this past cycle. He believes I have a low level insulin resistance that is causing me not to ovulate regularly. I asked him how he came to his conclusion. He said his conclusion was based on 3 things: 1) diabetes in the family 2) long cycles 3) trying for a year to get preggo. He thinks I have a 2-3% change of getting pregnant on my own. He thinks I should go forward with IUI next cycle with a drug regiment to induce ovulation. Uhm, all of that sounds very scary.

So my question is -- is this doctor on crack b/c what he's saying sounds pretty whack.

So please let me know what you think when you have time. I know you must be uber busy. Come visit soon!!! We missed you over Christmas.

~Bengali Chick


From the way you put it, it sounds like this guy is trying to find a legit reason for you not conceiving. Maybe try a second opinion. It couldn't hurt right?

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