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Day 1 of juice cleanse

I used to think cleanses or detoxes were a fad or a quick way to fit into a tight ass dress. I was so incredibly wrong. In a nutshell, cleansing allows your body to get rid of all the crap that it never gets a chance to get to because it is digesting the food you consume daily. A good analogy to cleansing is cleaning house. I never have a chance to deep clean, I barely have time to keep up with the day to day. Thank goodness I have someone who comes to my house to deep clean; otherwise, it would look kinda superficially clean even though it was really dirty.

Juice cleanses can cost a lot of money (usually at least $140 for a 3 day cleanse, if not $250). In the spirit of cheapness, my friend and I are making our own juices in the vitamix by straining out the fiber. We used blue print cleanse recipes. While many purists believe cold pressed juice is best, my good friend and registered dietician believes our bodies can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients and the nutrients in the juice extracted through a vitamix is just fine.

I drank 5 juices today and 2 liters of water. I feel nauseous, light headed and high (floating on air). I am skipping yoga during the cleanse (my usual hatha yoga is too intense) and sticking to light stretching.

Observations:  My meditation tonight was way more intense. There is an overall feeling of peace.

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