« Home | Sending Reiki to Future Event: Birth of My Son » | Ready for Reiki II certification » | Day 29 & 30: L&D of my twins » | Yesterday was Glorious -- Removing Stress » | Day 28: Age 5; Day 29: The previous day » | Day 27: Age 32 » | REDRUM, 27 » | Water Dragon Indeed » | Big Ole Catch Up » | Day 17 & 18: Age 12 and 16 »

Hi from Hollywood

It's been a really long time since I've blogged. So why now? Major life changes. I am opting out of the traditional workforce to stay at home with my 3 young kids. I want to share our shenanigans with friends and family in order to stay connected. Also, I've learned that every experience, good and bad, is just that -- an experience -- which means staying chill and positive rather than losing my shit. This blog will serve as a gentle reminder to stay calm and upbeat in the face of any challenge. That said, I'm a mom to three young kids (3 year old twins and a 9 month old), so I will be keeping it real (this blog may get colorful).

Love and light!!