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An Interesting Lick of Ice Cream

I encountered a girl (aka suitable girl) that hubby had gone on one date with a few months before he met me. She is like hubby in many ways: Ivy-league educated, Punjabi, Sikh, and from the Bay (she would have made my in-laws cream). I'm public school educated, Bengali, Catholic and from Patheticut (PT). I asked him why he never called suitable girl for a second date.

Hubby replied, "She was crazy."

He gave me a few examples of this chic's craziness -- nothing was crazy, she was completely normal. I reminded hubby that none of the examples of suitable girl's craziness compared to my craziness. I gently reminded hubby that I sent him a questionnaire, when I didn't really know him, asking things like 1.) have you ever bitten off your toe nails with your teeth 2.) has anyone wrapped their lips around your Punjabi penis 3.) [use your imagination as the questions got much more interesting.] For a second I was upset, did hubby not believe that I am a crazy Bengali chick bubbling with quirks and eccentricities? Hubby quickly assured me that he has never encountered anyone quite as interesting as me. Good.

So I asked hubby, "So obviously it wasn't the fact that this chic was crazy. Damnit you know you like crazy. You married crazy and you f*cking love that sh*t. Why did I tickle your fancy? Why did you pursue a relationship with me and never call suitable girl for a second date?"

Hubby said to me, "You're unbelievably hot and she's not. Bottom line."

I'm not denying the fact that I'm a hot brownie, I clean up purdy good. This just doesn't sit well with me. Are men that shallow? Did hubby want to get to know me b/c he thought I was hot? Suitable girl is not ugly, she's a 6.5-7 on the looks-meter. Does hotness make that much of a difference?

I don't think so. Here's my theory -- Hubby pursued me b/c he found himself a bowl of crazy and he wanted to double dip as much as possible. How do I say this... my husband appears from the outside to like vanilla ice cream but he secretly wants bubble-gum, pistachio, fig, cherry garcia, mocha, mango, chunky monkey, cake batter and chubby hubby flavor ice-cream all in one attractively packaged container. I gots those flavors.

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lol! i love the picture of the crazy ice cream cone.

ever seen "my best friend's wedding?" it's like when julie roberts is describing to cameron diaz, in referential fashion, the difference between creme brulee (cameron diaz) and jello (julia roberts).

sure, hubby's in-laws may prefer the great presentation of (good on paper) "creme brulee" but hubby loves "jello". crazy, wild strawberry jello. :)

oh and yes. men, well most humans in general, are shallow. we all have the "shallow gene", in some capacity. i guess it's nature's way of weeding out the "fuglies". lol

Well hey, he got the looks and the craziness! I guess sometimes even men need the *whole* package!

Dude, there's no way he only chose you because you are hot. Why do I love you? Why do I miss you? Because you're amazing, and you're dynamic, and you're really a whole lotta woman! And Hubby knows that. You being sexy just added to the package. There's no way Hubby is as shallow as he portrayed with this comment.

Men always seem to need to offer up a "bottom line." They don't always choose the right one, though. I mean, they are, after all, the inferior species...! They can't help it sometimes.

Um...I do think there's more to a woman than hotness, but it seems like y'all are giving dudes way too much credit. Looks matter quite a bit. I don't know what your husband looks like, but from your description he sounds like a good looking man. I've seen very attractive women with less than stellar looking men. Can't say I've seen much of the opposite.

Agree with MB. Sad but true. Looks "reel in" the man but the personality keeps him there (or not).

you must be incredibly insecure because you always ephasize how great you are for your pale-skinned indian boy. Every day you look in the mirror, you ask yourself "why me"? But why? he is an Indian dude!!! Who were you supposed to marry? A Rockefeller? I don't think so!
Name an Indian starlet from Hollywood. Not Bollywood, from Hollywood. Let's see how the mainstream in the west (where you live) adores the indian female. Lol.
what happened to the "I worship my hubby" website? You removed it, stupid?

Troll: Insecurity is being obsessed with me. Get over me. I don't want you.

um....what the fuck is up w/ anonymous??? i am sensing some MAJOR jealousy and anger issues...


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Troll: Stalking doesn't bode well for your career at Skadden.

While you obsess about my life, just know that I will not post any comments trying to identify me regardless of their veracity. Have fun!

Being as gorgeous as you are, you never post pics. And are YOU jealous of Miss. Skadden?

This stalker troll needs to get a life. Stalker-troll will never be
able to guess which Ivy your hubby went to school. She's honestly
very crazy. Be careful.

Anon: The reason I don't post pics are b/c of trolls like you who try to cyber stalk me.

omg BC, you told me once on my blog that you had a stalker and i guess i am seeing it with my own eyes. how scary for you! i would keep remaining as anonymous as you can. even for those "good bloggers" like me who genuinely enjoy you and your blog.

god this makes me want to shut my own blog down. yikes...

Don't worry about the negative comments because there are so many people like me who love to read your blog. You are an interesting and smart woman with a great sense of humor.

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