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Happy Dance

I am doing the happy dance in my hotel room and singing, "la la la la la la la la la hubby is coming yay yay yay yay." Hubby will be in San Antonio at 11 PM tonight. I have missed him like crazy. It's hard for me to fall asleep without having him to spoon me. We're spooners. He's the big spoon and I'm the little spoon. This little spoon hasn't been able to go to sleep until 3 AM every night because she misses her big spoon. I know, this love stuff makes me sappy and sweet like a big scoop of bubblegum ice cream with marshmallows, chocolate fudge and sprinkles.

I'm counting down the minutes until 11 PM! [Squealing]


Very sweet :) I am so glad that the little spoon has found her big spoon.

Awwweee yeah I like sappy love stories too LOL!! You guys are the cutest....

this is the type of connection i'm hoping to find! CUTENESS.

Your love story is fantastic. It always makes me smile when I read about how you feel about your hubby. If ever there was a definition of love, it's what you and your man have. Here's to you making some babies tonight!

What does big spoon do with his bottom arm?

As a fellow big spoon I'm often find myself at a loss as to what to do with this arm, keep it down by my side or up towards my head like I'm answering a question in class?

Asha's Dad: arm goes underneath the pillow, like answering a question! But it's comfy under the pillow, from the days I'm the big spoon.

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