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My Brother

My brother is the cutest thing alive. Literally -- the cutest. He's going to turn 23 in a few days... he's tall...broad shoulders....buff -- not the type of guy you would think would be a complete sweetie but he is and always has been.

Here are 2 memories that jump into mind (one new and one from the past):
-Old Memory: My first year of college my brother sent me an email and told me that he missed me and wanted to know when I was coming home to visit (he was in high school at this point -- but still a sweetie).
-New Memory: My birthday in August -- he planned a surprise party and cooked me a feast.

It's so awesome to have a sibling -- someone that always has your back -- FOREVER. There have been countless times when I have been a crying wreck and the only thing that calmed me down was a car ride with him -- just us chilling.

So what brings all this nostalgia? He had a rough semester at school and we talked tonight. The end of our conversation went like this:
Me: Don't be too sad about school b/c it's going to work out.
Brother: I know. I feel better. You know how it is, I always feel better about this stuff after I only talk to you.
I swear I almost died b/c I basically turned into a puddle of tears. I love you A!

I am so f***ing lucky to have so much incredible love in my life.

I love A too! After being a complete a*# to me the first few months I knew we have grown a lot closer. Now he's got my back and I've got his. A is AWESOME!!!

Well, it just so happens that I'm single...;)

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