Effed Up Things/People
The LAPD suck balls. Hubby was at 24Hour Fitness playing some b-ball. He made a legitimate foul for the last shot of the game. This a-hole was so angry that he picked up my hubby 4 feet off the ground and dropped him. Luckily he is fine and didn’t break his neck. Effing a-hole. I was so unbelievably angry – you simply don’t F*CK with my husband or you will feel 200+% of my wrath. Hubby thinks the perp was having steroid rage.
We go to the LAPD and they literally dismiss us. They didn’t give a sh*t. I know that LA is crime ridden – but what the f*ck that was a battery! We filed charges and ended up dropping them b/c the perp would get our name, addy and telephone number. That’s wonderful isn’t? That’s a damn good policy. I can’t even talk about this anymore – I’m just bitter.
I went to an awesome training seminar that my agency paid for. The problem was that the seminar leader was too flirty. He kept telling me how stunning I was – in front of the class mind you. The man wouldn’t stop. It got the point where I felt uncomfortable. He called my office today and apologized (he didn’t realize I was married). So what? It’s effing unprofessional.
Personal trainer is a bizonotch. She told me she was SHOCKED how I can have so much body fat. I don’t believe her. I’m under a 110 lbs and am 5’5” and I effing work out – meaning strength training. She was mean to me. She also bashed other clients of hers during our session and made some nasty remark about skinny girls. Stupid b*tch.