Friday, June 30, 2006

Effed Up Things/People

The LAPD suck balls. Hubby was at 24Hour Fitness playing some b-ball. He made a legitimate foul for the last shot of the game. This a-hole was so angry that he picked up my hubby 4 feet off the ground and dropped him. Luckily he is fine and didn’t break his neck. Effing a-hole. I was so unbelievably angry – you simply don’t F*CK with my husband or you will feel 200+% of my wrath. Hubby thinks the perp was having steroid rage.

We go to the LAPD and they literally dismiss us. They didn’t give a sh*t. I know that LA is crime ridden – but what the f*ck that was a battery! We filed charges and ended up dropping them b/c the perp would get our name, addy and telephone number. That’s wonderful isn’t? That’s a damn good policy. I can’t even talk about this anymore – I’m just bitter.

I went to an awesome training seminar that my agency paid for. The problem was that the seminar leader was too flirty. He kept telling me how stunning I was – in front of the class mind you. The man wouldn’t stop. It got the point where I felt uncomfortable. He called my office today and apologized (he didn’t realize I was married). So what? It’s effing unprofessional.

Personal trainer is a bizonotch. She told me she was SHOCKED how I can have so much body fat. I don’t believe her. I’m under a 110 lbs and am 5’5” and I effing work out – meaning strength training. She was mean to me. She also bashed other clients of hers during our session and made some nasty remark about skinny girls. Stupid b*tch.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mid-Week Gym Review – Waking up AM

Monday started off good – hubby and I ran side by side on the treadmill. Of course I was running/walking and praying for it to be over while hubby was in the zone running at the max treadmill speed of 9.5 or 10 miles per hour (yeah – can’t compete with a former Division 1 track star). Oh well. Tuesday I worked out and did strength training (my entire body is sore today). Today – well today I sucked. The plan was to get up at 5:15 and be at the gym by 6 AM to do some serious Spinning. I watched a movie last night with hubby and we cuddled and it was great but we ended up going to bed a bit later than I had planned. This morning when my alarm went off at 5 AM I ended up turning it off instead of snoozing. So, yeah the gym never happened. I’m pissed with myself. I made a plan and I didn’t stick to it – I HATE that. Effing A. Tonight I’m going out with chica to see a show and I have to go home first and take a shower (b/c I’m disgusting – I literally rolled out of bed, ponytail, brushed teeth and ran out the door). I can’t believe I’m at work looking like this – it should be illegal.

The Plan for the remainder of the week:
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Pilates and meet with trainer (Pilates only offered at 4:30 PM – need to go for abs)
Saturday or Sunday: Yoga

I WANT to be at the gym at 6 AM – this is the problem – a few nights a week I have plans whether it’s social or business for hubby. We don’t get home until 10ish and then there’s sex and all that good stuff and then bed. I know that when hubby starts working he works late and we usually go out for dinner and I don’t want to miss out seeing him (he works mad hours and my time with him is precious). My body doesn’t want to get up and go to the gym at 6 AM when I’m sleep-deprived w/o coffe and I don’t want to gulp down a shot of espresso while I’m driving to the gym. But at the same time I WANT to be at the gym at 6 AM. The problem is effing Americans work to effing much. But I HEART my job (not management) but my job.

Yes I know, stop bitching about my over-privileged existence .

Monday, June 26, 2006

I am effing angry

My bf (best friend) text messages early this morning (she’s in Manhattan). This catches me off guard b/c she’s usually at work at this time. I check the mssg which says, “I’m at the hospital – passed out in the subway.” At this point I’m in panic mode – how does my healthy 26 year-old bf end up in the hospital. I called her right away and spent the morning on the phone with her while she’s in the hospital. We still don’t know what’s wrong with her but she’s okay for now. So here’s the problem – her effing boyfriend. I don’t care that he’s a doctor or at work – he should have at least stayed on the phone with her. How effing scary is it to have to ride an ambulance and be stuck in some ghetto hospital by yourself, especially when you don’t have any family in Manhattan? Effing a**hole. He wasn’t even nice to her on the phone – he was mean to her. I hate him. My husband has been calling me periodically this morning to make sure my bf is doing okay – he even asked me if he should purchase a ticket to NYC (now that’s a man).

The Gym @ 6 AM

Roonie and I had a plan to wake up and be at the gym at 6 AM for some serious Spinning. I wake up at 5:15 AM exhausted mind you (not that I understand why I was in bed by 8:45 AM). I see her text mssg – she can’t make it to the gym. My reaction -- sheer joy – now I can sleep in until 7:30 AM. I should have gotten up and gone on my own. But I lack motivation – lack serious motivation. I will only show up at the gym at 6 AM only if I know a friend is there waiting for me. I’m so pitiful. I’m going tonight. We’ve been on a winning streak of going to the gym a minimum of 4 days a week. I see my body getting strong. Must not let the motivation die. Yes I’m obsessed – sue me.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tired from the weekend activities

So hubby and I volunteered at Artwallah this weekend and it was tons of fun. My girl C joined in and she's super cool. I met her from my bookclub. You know someone is supercool when you can hang with them all day and they totally don't get on your nerves. She was just mad mellow and chill and rolled with the punches. She never even got irritated all day. Mad love to C. Back to Artwallah -- we showed up for volunteering at 7:30 AM and stayed there all day. Granted we took breaks throughout the day to get inebriated (@ one point C and I were getting boozed up during the evening show). My favoite performer was Falu -- her music is ridiculously off the hook and I have a serious girl crush on her. When she's performing you can tell that she's really into her music and into the groove -- I can't wait to buy her album. C, Hubby and I went to the afterparty but C and I were pretty wasted at this time (maybe I should stop projecting I was mad wasted at this time -- yes 2.5 drinks will get me boozed up). So we left pretty quickly b/c I needed to sleep.

I forgot to add that I ran into a fellow blogger @ Artwallah named Taz -- I read her blog pretty faithfully and she recognized me b/c the dress I wore was one that I posted on my blog. How effing small is the world??? Crazy, no? More importantly she seemed mad liberal which is very cool. All the desis I know are super conservative and quasi-lame -- I'm not running in the right circles. I didn't get a chance to hang with her much unfortunately, but hopefully next time!

Today we had Nigerian food at Veronica's Kitchen with a very fun lovin couple (one was Nigerian and the other was a Southern gal) -- I love seeing that kind of love that steps beyond prejuidice -- god bless love. The food was mad authentic according to our friend and tastey!!! Hubby and I were both in the most intense kind of food coma you can believe.

Now I'm off to bed -- to catch some z's and maybe something more.....

Friday, June 23, 2006

Over-extending myself?

I am straddling the fine line between enjoying life to the fullest and over-extending myself.

*Work: crazy – 40 open cases (putting in mad over time hours)
*Gym: 4 times a week minimum going for at least an hour (live in freaking West LA -- must look good)
*Volunteering: Los Angeles Indian Film Festival (mad work – but I love it – it is consuming my evenings). Signed up to volunteer @ Artwallah this week too (oh jeez)
*Book Club: Haven’t even touched the book I’m supposed to read (but the girls in the club are fab)
*Class: Taking classes for certification in my area of expertise @ UPenn which my agency is paying for (I haven’t even started studying but this will be amazing for my career)
*Social Life: I HEART my friends and I make time to see them and the evenings get eaten up (but I don’t want to not see them).
*Housework: cleaning, cooking, Oy!
*Hubby: nurture, cherish and have sex with

Am I psycho? I freaking hate being one of those people that now needs to look at their planner first before making plans so I don't double book myself.

Work is the problem -- it consumes too many of my precious hours. I'd make a fantastic house-wife (lunch with the girls, my volunteering activities) -- hmm.. now this is sounding appealing.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I think I love LA

I'm quasi-drunk while I'm writing this blog -- so apologies in advance for the typos. I went out to a wine bar in Pasadena and it was fabulous. I have met so many cool people here -- very diverse and it rocks. I was at the wine bar with amazing friends from all walks of life. I really feel like I'm getting settled.... and it feels good.

So hello all the lovelies I have met here in LA -- you've made it feel like home. Now I gots to get my ass to bed as I'm meeting the Roonie-meister for pilates at 6 freaking a.m. -- this girl is keeping me in check.

Lots of love!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tailor – Cost of Doing Business with Co-workers/Friends

So that dress shown below cost me $19.99. It’s a size 4 (the smallest the damn dress is sold in) and needs to be taken in to fit me. I asked co-worker A if she knew any tailors in the area (BAD MISTAKE). So A says to me, “Oh no problem, my sister is a tailor, I’ll call her.” What could I say? So yesterday, after I got out of the gym I drop by to see A’s sister. She seemed very nice. Then the awkward conversation about price started (mind you I researched the going rate for the adjustments I needed for the dress and it was approximately $10).

Me: How much $ should I bring when I pick up the dress on Thursday?
Sister: $30
Me: Oh
Sister: Well what do you think?
Me: I spent $19.99 on the dress… so..
Sister: $20 then, what do you think?
Me: Okay

I know that I’m being charged an additional $10 for the tailoring – but that’s the price of doing business with friends/co-workers. Plus I am sort of a wuss. I still can’t believe this biznotch had the nerve to ask for $30 – highway robbery. I need to not get myself into these pickles.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I love this dress

I checked out Sonia’s website and saw this fabulous dress. I am in love with it. I love the color – the beading – the cut -- the whole Indian-esqe look. The dress is fab. So it comes in the mail yesterday and I try it on and it doesn’t fit me the same way it fits the model. Damn my no hips, long, lanky boy-ish body. If I had sexy hips or curvy breasts – I’d look awesome in this dress. I bought the smallest size the damn dress comes in and I’m still swimming in it. I looke like a bag lady in it. Stupid dress.

I am not returning the dress. I have such a freaking hard time finding dresses that fit me. I am going to the tailors tomorrow and will have the tailor take in several inches so the damn dress is glued to my body and my small curves and accentuated. Long live no curves!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

I don’t deserve a cell phone

I left my cell phone in the car all weekend long. I missed phone calls from many friends. I stink. I don’t deserve a cell.

I know that we all deserve to spend a weekend alone. Hubby actually was very ill from food poisoning. But it’s so sad to check your messages early Monday morning and hear all the people that were trying to find you. I feel crummy.

I promise to be better about my cell. I promise to check my voicemail. If you know me – then you know that I NEVER listen to voicemail – I’m more of a text message/email gal… but this is going to change. I will glue my cell on my forehead.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Public Transportation

Hmmm, Los Angeles Public Transportation is looking better. Maybe I shouldn't complain so much that LA subways are not gentrified enough. I've been thinking that I should start taking the subway to work instead of driving... granted that would entail my lazy arse getting up much earlier.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Fresh Supernova Mascara

Shhhhhh I’m cheating on my mascara. I’ve been hooked to Christian Dior for the past few years. However, whenever I go into my local Sephora I’ve heard a buzz about Fresh – and the one time I inquired about it, the damn mascara was sold out. So I decided to buy Fresh the last time it was in stock.

Yesterday I tried it for the first time. It was amazing – it goes on your lashes with such smoothness. It separates, thickens and elongates lashes. This morning I put on a hefty two coats and the damn mascara just wouldn’t clump. Also, the mascara wand isn’t gi-normous like Dior so I get less mascara smeared all over my eye lids. My lashes are va-va-voom.

I feel so guilty. I dreamt about mascara last night – I wish I was joking. I know I’m obsessed. But I’m in love!!! Tomorrow I’m slathering on 3 coats of my new baby Supernova.

Monday, June 5, 2006

Bengalis Can’t Hold Their Liquor

Okay maybe that’s not true – but this Bengali sure can’t (neither can my family). Reminds of my wedding (I’m Bengali and hubby is Punjabi). Both sides of the family got trashed – but it was only my family that got rowdy – just couldn’t hold their damn liquor.

This weekend was packed with too many adventures. I’ll skip to the highlights:

Farmer’s Market
Oh how heavenly – fresh vegetables. Amazing colors. I went crazy – buying everything – I have a lot of produce to cook this week!!!! My mouth is watering.

Club LAX
I got in for free b/c they were shooting a show. Drinks were flowing – for free as well. I thought I paced myself well – I had 2 vodka cranberries and a cosmo in a period of 2.25 hours. I’m on the dance floor with hubby and the girls and I grab hubby and tell him we need to go outside (all of a sudden I felt sick). On Hollywood – I am puking my brains out… it even splattered on my new white leather heals. Not that I cared – too dizzy… the spins.. the nausea.. oh the glory of drinking.

The location of my apartment is groovy – in the Hollywood Hills – but in walking distance to lots of cool stuff (i.e. Club LAX). So hubby and I stumbled home. I passed out for 30 minutes. My friends showed up for an after hour party (apparently I had agreed to it in my drunken stupor). The party was fantastic. Of course we got more so inebriated – after the puking I was all good to rock on.

Of course I spent all of Sunday hung over – on the couch -- was it worth it? Hells yeah.

P.S. I’m not some lush – I literally haven’t gotten drunk or even tipsy for that matter in 6.5 months.
P.P.S. Never made it to Sunday mimosa brunch – but I was ambitious hoping that I would – it’s all that matters.

Friday, June 2, 2006

Rockin Weekend

Doesn’t it just make you feel oh so cool when you have invites to cool things on the weekend? I do I do.

My weekend line up:

Me and Roonie are going to hang tonight with her chica and watch a movie.

Saturday morning, I’m going to the farmer’s market with my girl T and then to a lovely luau with T. Later that night, going to the shooting of Apprentice -- a friend of mine who works for the Apprentice. – and then of course drinkies!!!

Sunday morning brunch with the girls and mimosas… yum.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Lancome Bronze Face Powder

I don’t generally believe in those eye shadow/blush compacts that are two for one. But I have this old Lancome face powder from 2001 (I know it’s old) – but they don’t freaking make it anymore. It’s a shimmery bronze powder. I love it. It warms up your eyes and makes them pop and gives your cheeks glow – it literally make your face look soooo sensuous.

My face looks alive – shimmery – dewy – sexy right now. I know that my beloved bronze face powder from Lancome is no more -- I’m on the market to the find a comparable product (and then proceed to buy in bulk and hoard the product in case it too discontinues).