Friday, September 29, 2006

Compressed Schedule

So my agency is allowing us to have a compressed schedule. I’m thinking about doing 10 hours in 4 days. I work late almost daily so what the heck, getting a day off per week can’t be a bad deal, right? It would be so effin' sweet if I get a 3 day weekend every weekend.

I joined the Union at my agency – they are the ones who spearheaded the right for employees to have more of a say in their schedules. Is this the first step in tele-work or am I dreaming? Tele-work would rock my world – it’s such a great option for parents.

Speaking of babies…. *Sigh* – it’s 10:30 PM on a Friday night and husband is a slave to his job. Baby if you’re reading this – get your arse home – mamma needs some baby batter lovin’ – how else we gonna make this baby?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I went to this fantastic event for work yesterday, the Governor and First Lady’s Conference on Women, and it was inspiring. Today, while I was at training, a friend/co-worker and I talked about the feminist movement, sisterhood and solidarity. Granted, all of this “discussion” happened by scribbling notes and passing them to one another in class speckled with moments of junior high school silliness.

As a woman, thinking about what is important to me are the following:

  • Stay connected with my husband daily so that I never wake up and feel that my best-friend has become a stranger.
  • Impart on my children the values of hard work, authenticity, charity, dignity, respect and motivation to create change for the better in this world.
  • Deepen my relationship with my loved ones.
  • Physically and spiritually nourish myself so that I am constantly growing and never find myself stagnating.

What saddens me of late is having conversations with women who tell me that after having children they have had to give up something that is important in their lives while trying to balance work and family. I’m not talking about the frivolous such as going out clubbing less; I’m talking about losing connection with themselves or with a loved one. One too many times do I hear, “I’m so busy and tired that I really just don’t get to see my husband. It’s what happens.” What is this “it” and why does it have to happen?

Well, I am unwilling to give up that which is important in my life. I have ascertained that there are 2 ways that I can balance work and family:

  • Simply walk away from my career for the moment. When my children start school, I can look for meaningful employment and not worry about how difficult it will be to re-enter the workplace.
  • Be a vehicle of change in my workplace so that I can have flex-options such as telework.

It is incredibly sad that there aren’t many flex-options in the workplace. And when the options do exist, there generally seems to be a lot of stigma against those who utilize the flex-options, especially in the arena of upward mobility. Even men face this stigma; they are considered not “manly” enough when they exercise available options such as paternity leave. While it is easy for me to walk away from my career and be blasé b/c essentially my husband makes enough money for us to be financially well off, many women cannot exercise that choice. To me, it is selfish to stop here and forget my sisters.

The entire point of the feminist movement was for women to band together in solidarity and sisterhood. The part of Ann Quindlen’s speech that resonated with me from her talk yesterday was the following: the movement was not only for women to have equality but to put the female ethos on a male patriarchy. She went on to elaborate that while today there are many women in fields that once were never possible, we are still working under a system that may not be right for many of us in balancing our roles as mothers, partners, daughters, sisters and professional career women. There is so much in the political and social arena that needs tweaking and we women should band together in solidarity and be a force for change.

To me, nourishing my family and self while intellectually being stimulated and making positive change in the world through my work are pivotal. I suspect that many people, both men and women desire the same. There are more women who either have children or desire to have them in the near future in my office than not. We all agree that flex-options are necessary in our lives and not one of us has done a damn thing about it. What happened to the movement that so many women started for us in the yesteryears? It’s an injustice for me to take it all for granted and sit stone silent and do nothing to make change except throw my hands in the air and write a few blog posts because I can simply relish in my privilege of choice.

So, quoting my husband from one of his articles, I am left with more questions than answers. However, I recognize now more fully then before, that I can be a sweeping fire of change by rekindling the feminist movement within.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mother-Daughter Relationship

Why are mothers judgmental and daughters defensive? Is it a matter of perception?

Tonight I was driving home from Santa Monica around 11 PM and decided to call my mom for a chat. Here’s an excerpt of the conversation.

Me: Hi, mom, what are you up to?
Mom: What’s wrong?
Me: [getting defensive] nothing!
Mom: You really should not be eating spinach this week.
Me: Mom, I know.
Mom: Where’s Hubby?
Me: He’s still at work.
Mom: Is he eating?
Me: Yes, I packed him lunch. The job paid for dinner
Mom: Did you eat?
Me: Yes, I had salad for lunch.
Mom: I told you no spinach.
Me: [defensive again] Mom it wasn’t spinach.
Mom: Why don’t you go to bed? Don’t you have work in the morning?
Me: [getting frustrated] Mom, it’s 11 PM, I’m driving home!
Mom: Where are you?
Me: Driving past Century City coming from Santa Monica.
Mom: Why are you out in Santa Monica so late?
Me: [extremely annoyed] I was hanging out with friends.
Mom: I guess that’s okay. Did you eat dinner with them?

This conversation would have been completely different with my dad. I would have told him I ate kettle corn for dinner and watched Grease on the big screen in Santa Monica. I told my mom nothing about my evening.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Diorshow Lip Gloss

I'm so glad one of my good friends is in the cosmetic industry and tells me the latest "must haves." This lipgloss in Carla Corail 335 is a must have. It's amazing -- I couldn't stop staring at my lips. The coral color is great for us brownies because it works like a charm on warm skin tones. The lipgloss is fully of sparkles. I promise you, this lipgloss will makes you feel like a diva. I'm in love. At $26 a pop it's pricy but I promise you well worth it.

P.S. The lipgloss looks fantastic over Bare Escentual's Cognac lipstick.

Review: The Beauty Bar

My hood is full of uber fun places to go out. Saturday night we went out to the Beauty Bar located on the intersection of Hollywood and Cahuenga. It’s so freaking cute. The club is decorated reminding one of the beauty school dropout scene in Grease. The walls are painted a glittery pink. The seats are old-fashioned hair dryer chairs. Vintage hair dryers and old-school beauty products decorate the glittery pink walls. Apparently during happy hours there is a martini and manicure special! The crowd was hipster and the music was an eclectic blend of music with a beat to dance too.

I absolutely loved this bar (sans the drinking of course). Even with no drinking the bar was a great place to party. The hipsters got all crazy groovy with their dance moves which made me feel liberated enough to pull out some of my own crazy-shizzle.

Definitely am going back the Beauty Bar – just a fashionable place to get your groove on.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I’ve been thinking about having a baby for quite some time now. Hubby and I have overanalyzed the issue to death. While I feel financially and emotionally ready for a child, the idea still terrified me. Many nights during love making hubby would pose the questions, “protection or not?” – fear would strike my heart and I of course would scream, “YES protection.”

Lately things have been changing. My desire to become a mother has been growing and came to a head last night. Last night the question of using protection came up and I just knew the answer to that question was a definitive no. I was ready and willing to accept all the changes that come with having a child. I felt at ease with that decision, serenity overcame me as we made love. This morning I woke up ecstatic at the prospect that I maybe a mother soon. I was soo ecstatic that I woke up at 4 AM and tried to wake up my husband to share my enthusiasm. When I left the apartment this morning my husband kissed me goodbye and said, “Bye honey, I love you. Bye baby, I love you.” We’re just ready. It feels so good.

Of course I’ve been preparing for this moment to occur – the moment where I’d finally be ready. I’ve been taking my vitamins (getting my 400mg of Folate), eating well, reducing caffeine to 1 cup of green tea a day.. hell I even scheduled an appointment with my OBGYN for a pre-pregnancy consultation. Today I’m going to head off to Target to pick up some more calcium supplements. Yes, I a planner and creating a child is the most important decision of my life.

It’s surreal how I am at complete peace with this decision, euphoric really. All the concerns I had about balancing work and family and social life have all faded away. I am willing to take all necessary steps to create a person who is good hearted free thinker who is willing to make change in this world. I embrace the opportunity to be a mother. I have the peace of mind to know that all the worries I had about being a mom will work themselves out.

So we’re not technically “trying” to have a baby. We’re just prepared to have one. We will continue to make love unprotected and take pregnancy tests every month and let nature run its course.

2 very crazy experiences happened to me today regarding becoming a mother:
(1) I had lunch with a friend today and this what my fortune cookie said: Something special is coming your way.
(2) After lunch went to go see the Dalai Lama which of course was mind-blowing. He said something that resonated with me: (pardon me while I try to paraphrase his Holiness) Compassion is something my mother taught me. It has stayed with me my entire life, even now at my old age. It is not something I learned from my guru or my lama, my mother was my guru.

I am just so completely happy.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

The Roots

I saw The Roots last night at the Roxy in West Hollywod last night for free. It was such an intimate gathering. We were right in the front row -- seriously crazy. I wish I had taken my digital camera (I didn't realize they were allowed) -- big time bummers. More importantly I was there with hubby and my best friend.

I have absolutely loved this week. I have been on va-k and will be on va-k until Monday. Every morning is glorious! I don't have to run out of bed to the office. Being at home with hubby, spending the day with family and friends is a happiness that has no words. All the worries I bring up on this blog -- whether it be professional or personal, they all fade away when I'm surrounded by this much love.

I guess that's the bottom line for me. My passion really is the people that I love. Surrounded by such authentic meaningful relationships makes me whole.

Monday, September 4, 2006

Bye Bye Road Trip

We made it back in good time from our road trip. I took as many pics as my little heart desired. There's so many memories that were created over the past few days and it felt good to create them with my husband and my parents.

There's a lot that I could talk about, the awe-inspiring beauty of the Grand Canyon or late night inebriated adventures in Vegas with my folks, but none of that is as important as my Bare Escentuals foundation. Do you understand how hot it is in Arizona? I was sweating like it was going out of style under the hot Arizona sun. However, reviewing the pics taken on my Sony Cybershot, no one would be the wiser. (Not to sound like a pompous b*tch): I look amazing in every pic. I kid you not. My skin is glowinging and perfect.

I got my period this weekend and my skin was breaking out. Everytime I put Bare Escentuals on it clears up my skin (which of course happened this weekend). I can sleep in this stuff, which I do often b/c I am adittedly lazy, and my skin is just better when I wake up. The foundation just will not melt off my face in the hottest climate. My skin looks perfect all day. My mom who hates foundation, kept touching my faced, awed at the fact that my skin felt soft and mareveled at every pic of me due to the skin perfecting power of Bare Escentuals.

I can't praise this stuff enough. Long live Bare Escentuals!!!

**If hubby wasn't afraid that some murderous lunatic would find us -- I would totally post pics from the trip!!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 1, 2006

Road Trip

P is flying in tomorrow, yippee!!! We're off on a road trip to Vegas & Grand Canyon. I can hardly wait. Will try to post some pics.

The Hills Stink

The b-day party was so good. I am soooo wasted. The best part of it all is that my dad, my husband and I are all wasted together. My mom got so wasted that she passed out.

Yes, these are folks from Bangladesh. I love my parents. My mom partied with me b/c it was my b-day.

The food was orgasmic: beef vindaloo, chicken curry, basmati rice, chana masala, dahl, bindi masala, rashmali, burfi, cake, mango lassi... ORGASMIC.

How did my parents convert my simple apartment to party central? These people are unreal.

The only problem was my location. Many friends and I do mean many got so horrifically lost. A good handful had to leave b/c they couldn't find parking. I live in a parking only with permit zone and kinda never knew it. Hubby and I park in our garage and didn't realize what hell our parking situation really is. I feel horrible.

I need a house. I nice beautiful house where I have a proper formal dining room. A house where I have my own parking spots to accomadate guests. Hubby, are you listening to this? Next b-day I'd like a house in one of the other hills i.e. Beverly Hills. Posted by Picasa