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Mom vs. MIL

There are many differences between my mom and MIL. Don't get me wrong, my MIL is very sweet and has been wonderfully kind to me since Fall of 2005. But my mom has that spunk and is much more of a free spirit. And she's my mom. Mom is mom.

Both my MIL and my mom tried to teach me how to wear a sari. Of course I was able to really learn from my mom this Saturday b/c she just knows how to communicate with me...she gets my lingo. I went to my bedroom to change into a tank top (couldn't find a blouse) and petticoat for my sari lesson. I put on a pink tank top. The tank matched my pink little girl's underwear perfectly (girl's undies are adorable, fit my little tush and are mad cheap). I thought I looked so cute! I immediately hopped to the living room where hubby, maashi and my mom were chillaxing. I exclaimed, "mom don't I look so cute?" My mom said, "Yes you do. Super woman." We all giggled.

This would NEVER go down at my in-laws.

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I love how families create their own speech shorthand--almost a tiny little dialect in itself!

Although, why think of it as a "vs." situation? I look to my mom and my MIL for different things--frinstance, my mom is my prime pick as an affectionate audience for my goofiness and but my MIL is a more dependable source of objective counsel.

That's hilarious!

BTW, only 1 line. Bummer. I cried.

Also, got new skates! Gotta test em out, maybe Fri night?

Awwww, I can picture my mommy saying something like that, too :)

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