Tuesday, November 1, 2011

At Peace, Be

I was invited to be part of a psychic workshop, for a lack of better words.  Essentially, Salsa had seen a hypnotherapist (Doc).  One of Doc's patients through hypnotherapy was able to connect to the divine light and be a channel.  In other words, in this state of mind, she can scan someone's body, communicate with divine energy/spirit guides and tell a person about their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Salsa, A. Daria and I decided to go.  It FUCKING rocks to have a posse that is on the same wavelength as me.  They just get it. In turn, they help me get it.  GRATEFUL.

20 or so women all huddled together in a small apartment in Santa Monica.  My scan was beautiful. Here are some highlights:

  • I meditate beautifully
  • I'm blessed
  • I came into this world out of curiosity, I came to the workshop out of curiosity
  • My chakras and aurora looked great
  • I was told to keep doing what I was doing
  • My babies are doing great
  • I have good genes, but on a genetic level, I have hormonal imbalance (true dat, diabetes is rampant in my family)
Afterwards, I thought -- "okay, that's lovely.  but shit man, I'm supposed to do something.  i'm supposed to make a tangible difference.  i'm supposed to do good. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?"  I discussed with Salsa and A. Daria.

We all headed back to the car and 2 women were outside chatting.  I got a tangible sign from the divine.  They sparked up a conversation.  Out of the blue, the essentially told me that my I vibrated at a high level and I was contributing to making the world a better place by simply being.  They told me to send healing energy to Mother Earth, she needs it.  I will do so as soon I complete my Reiki II next year.

Simply being?  But.. but... but... what about having to suffer, hard work, etc.  Life isn't easy, right?


I meditated that night and asked the divine, "show me the next steps."  I heard a distinct voice, the voice of God and I was told:  Enjoy your life.  Be happy and grateful.  You are contributing by doing good, raising your children and by being.

I think I finally get it.  Be in the present. 


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