Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 7 of Healing My Past: 24 years old

My goodness I was a poor communicator.  I couldn't help but replay certain key events over again, but, as I am today as 32 year old me.  It didn't make me feel bad, I didn't do this in a judgy sort of way, but more like an imaginary do-over.  And I'll tell ya, the divine consciousness is testing me!!  Lately, I've had a lot of external strife around me, I've had to remind myself OVER AND OVER again, "all you can do is be in the present moment and take it for what it is, a blessing, even if the life lesson is tiny."  I needed to repeat my Reiki manra and not rise to anger or worry today, several times. 

It's actually quite hilarious, the divine has an amazing sense of humor.  I get it.  Thanks for the daily reminder to stay present.  Life is such an awesome practice for the soul.

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