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Day 3 of Healing My Past: 32 years old

We're having family visit.  One person in particular is not a very happy person, she has moods where's quite unhappy and bitter.  She is also very pushy about her views, in a way that isn't exactly respectful.  I find her tiring.  Her energy can be draining.

Last night, I reacted a bit, just a bit to her antics.  And I shouldn't have.  I want to be in a place where I don't need my hands on my heart chakra while listening to her speak to me.  I want to look at her with love and light and not ever get into that catty place.

Fuck man, it's hard!!!

So I sent reiki to me, the last week or so.  My heart needed some energy.  Also, I have to fully realize that I can never change her.  I must accept her as is and control my own reaction.  

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