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Day 17 & 18: Age 12 and 16

Age 12 was intense.  My heart was full of such anxiety.  The most clear memory is when I got my first period.  You expect your period to be bright red, but it wasn't, it was black like tar.  I had no idea what the hell was going on.  My mom never had a discussion with me.  This was before internet was fast (remember Prodigy) and I learned very little at Catholic school.

Suffice to say that I was FREAKING out.  I paced my bedroom for hours.  Finally, I called my mom and showed her my underwear.  The conversation was not heartwarming.  She said, "let me get you maxi pads, do you know how to use them?"  I was then told to not tell my brother.  I just remember feeling this is something shameful, not a celebration into womanhood.

I sent reiki to my 12 year old's heart. 

The above will never happen with my girls.  I have open and honest communication with them.  They will never be afraid of coming to me and sharing any information about their body -- I am their teacher and guide.  We will most certainly be celebrating their first menstrual cycle with a period party!!!!  I imagine afternoon tea at a fancy schmany place...


Fast forward to age 16, full of anxiety, unable to clearly communicate, and lacked such confidence.  I don't think it's random that I wanted to focus on age 16 after spending the previous night on age 12.  All of this is linked.

The ultimate result is that I just feel like a more mindful parent.  All of these experiences were in my past, but it's not who I am today.  Today I am strong, confident and communicate openly and freely.  I will raise strong women.

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