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Day 4 of Healing My Past: 14 years old

I was transported to my first day of high school.  Talk about anxiety.  So much nervous energy.  So much uncertainty.  I saw myself then and felt myself as now and realized, worry/stress/anxiety, none of it matters.  The present moment is all we have.  Vibrating in that kind of energy does me no good.  I didn't judge myself, the 14 year old version, but she gave me perspective.

High school flashed by in a breeze.  I was the unsure girl with frizzy hair and plastic frames.  But that's not who I am today.  I shouldn't have sweated the little stuff, 18 years happened so quickly!!!  And here I am now, and I've learned that being in that place of stress/worry/anxiety doesn't make me happier.  The only way to be happy is to accept the present moment for what it and be grateful for the experience.

This doesn't mean to be lazy or not hope, dream or achieve; it means doing without attachment of the outcome. 

Today, I had to go to San Diego for a work presentation.  I usually get nervous before a presentation, even when thoroughly prepared.  And this time, there was no anxiety.  Instead, I felt confident and knew that I was at the conference in the spirit of service and to impart knowledge.  AMAZING.  Cheers to the ride.

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