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Day 10 of Healing My Past: 32

I let my MIL's negative energy affect me. While I don't think I was sending her negative energy, I wasn't sending her love and light.  I just wanted to be out of her presence, I created a wall around myself and avoided her.  I suppose I expected more from myself...

She's very clingy in a strange way.  She was spending all day with my husband and the kids while I worked (he took the week off from work), yet still wanted all of his evenings spent solely with her.  My husband is a good son, and does his best to accommodate her (sometimes even enables her).  I had been telling him for the 3 weeks that my in-laws were visiting that I wanted a date night -- no kids, chill dinner and just hanging out together!!  I think he assumes that because I'm so sensible, he could cater to his mother's clingy needs instead of giving me my date night.  But I started to get fed up, we had 2 more nights of in-laws visiting and this was an opportunity for us to go out on a date while they watched the kids.  I expected him to step up and plan a date (i.e., planning meaning, "hey, let's go out and chill tonight").  This didn't happen.  So I was frustrated.

Day 10 was difficult and I needed to send reiki to myself. 


Results:  I woke up calmer and felt able to communicate more clearly with my husband that I needed alone time, away from the in-laws and kids.  He excitedly agreed (he needed it too).  We had a fantastic evening -- dinner followed by 3 hours of walking around our city hand-in-hand.

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