Day 2 & 3 of Detox
The first day after the cleanse I grabbed my ergo and my 20+ pound baby and hiked Runyon Canyon. It was a quick hour workout on a steep incline. Although I hadn't eaten in three days, the hike was easy. I felt strong. Clearly my body was able to do a moderate hike on 3 days of juice.
Shit. I over consume. I never realized I was mentally hungry because I work so incredibly hard to be healthy. I do yoga, pilates, and hiking at least 4-5 times a week, I eat super healthy and I have a clean bill of health and a small percentage of body fat. But I would also love to eat an entire bag of cheetoes or curly fries... or just about anything salty or sweet.
Shit. I'm mentally hungry. I have a demon.
My dad died from eating crap. He developed diabetes that he allowed to spiral so out of control that his kidneys shut down. He ended up on dialysis, followed by a transplant, cancer and a terrible death. I've never seen someone inhale a bag of chips like my dad. He was always mentally hungry.
After his death I vowed to be healthy and strong. I was never going to go out like that. So I eat organic nutritious foods and am in crazy good shape.... yet, I'm still mentally hungry. Profound realization for me.
I need to meditate daily. I also need to challenge myself like this at least twice a year. I'll conquer mental hunger.