Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 27: Age 32

I failed my gestational diabetes test.  I wasn't surprised, everyone in my family has diabetes.  My genes is part of the reason I am so mindful about food and exercise.  I need to deal with the genetic hand I have been dealt.  On Monday, I had a 3 hour glucose tolerance test.  I passed!!!  No gestational diabetes.  This was a gentle reminder to be even more mindful about my sugar intake.  My body just doesn't process sugar well and it's super important that I choose healthy carbs.  Thank you -- got the message loud and clear.

Before the glucose tolerance I sent Reiki back to this past year.  It was an interesting meditation.  This issue I'm currently having kept coming to mind.  I believe the point was to let go of this negative energy and anxiety.  My son already told me that he's healthy and my occasional indulgences do not effect him, but adding stress and anxiety is not good for him.

The last few days have been amazing.  My husband has been ill and I've had the opportunity to treat him with Reiki the past 2 nights.  He's very logical-minded and it's so amusing to hear him say, "WOW, I can feel the heat.  This feels so intense."  Both nights he was able to fall asleep and combat his sickness.  SCORE!!!

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