Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy New Year!

In case I'm in too much of a drunken stupor to remember later....

I'll have another post up with the resolutions and such.

Happiest New Year to you all. Have fun. Party like it's 1999.
I have a date to kiss on New Year's Eve, I'm forever grateful.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Taiwanese Shaved Ice

Hands down my most favorite dessert ever. Fresh mochi, boba, condensed milk & strawberries. Heaven. Must find something comparable in La La land.


Don't Be Stupid

I was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The holidays were magical with the family. I couldn't really enjoy myself b/c I was having up to 5 asthma attacks a day.

Raise your hand if you forgot to renew your prescription for Advair. *Shame on me*
Raise your hand if you couldn't locate your rescue inhaler. *Shame on me*
Raise your hand if you don't have an emergency steroid kit for attacks like this. *Shame on me*
Raise your hand if you lost all allergy meds. *Shame on me*

My asthma has been so awful that I honestly got scared. I just couldn't get any oxygen. I scared the crap out of my husband. My rescue inhaler wasn't doing shit. I was puffing 5 times a day which is HORRIBLE. I got a steroid shot this morning. I also got a stern lecture from hubby, Dr. Sahib (bro-in-law), mom & my doctor.

New Year's Resolution: Take care of my asthma. I don't want emphysema.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More house = more problems

I have a lot of shit to write about. I promise I'll get to updating on my last 3 or so days in Taipei. I have to upload pics. But we just moved into our new house. I am so fuggin' overwhelmed. I have almost 2,000 sq/ft of house and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. It's been one debacle after another (here are just a few):
  • Land from our 13 hour trip and find out we have no keys to the house. Call locksmith in the wee hours of the morning.
  • My gorgeous sofa will not fit. The movers can not get it in via elevator or stairs. I'm forced to order a sectional. My antropologie rug came yesterday but now is it too small for a sectional? I won't get my sofa until February!!!!
  • My absolutely stunning washer and dryer came on Saturday. I purchased a Kenmore H5t It's front load, high efficiency (saves on water) and has wicked steam functions that take out most wrinkles! Yes, it was a splurge but it makes me swoon. The washer fits perfectly in my linen closet and I can close the left linen door. The dryer does not b/c of the big ass metal tube. The dryer is actually in the linen room 100% BUT the door doesn't close all the way. I'm not freaking out b/c it's not really an eye sore b/c the washer/dryer is BEAUTIFUL. But still...
  • The brand new GE fridge was not properly hooked up or the hosing that connects the fridge to the water pipe is defective. Our poor neighbor got water damage b/c of it! Thankfully our condo is on the top floor and we have minimal damage. GE is coming on 12/26 to take a look at the fridge.
  • We didn't have heat for days! Problem finally got solved.

How the fuck do you clean hardwood floors? I bought Orange Glo cleaner and emailed the builders regarding the product. Score! I bought the correct product (this makes me giddy which is sad):

Bengali Chick,

You picked up the exact product that you should use on your floors. We use that to clean our units prior to move-ins. Just spray directly to the floor and wipe with a terry cloth rag or towel. Hint: Make sure you put felt sliders under all chairs and tables. Good luck and HappyHolidays!



Friday, December 7, 2007

Day 7: Taipei, Taiwan

What a lazy day. I slept in until 10:30 am or so. I then soaked in the tub. Hubby walked in on me singing out loud like a kid, "splish splash I'm taking a bath." My bath tub in my new house is going to get some serious use.

I finally left the hotel around 2ish in the afternoon. I got off at the Ximen stop and explored Taipei's Ximending quarter. Ximending has tons of shops, bars, theatres and food. This is the ultra hip portion of Taipei. Girls are very much into fake eye lashes.

I tired out quickly and headed back to the hotel around 5 (I admit it, I got hungry). I can't believe I'm about to say this... hubby's work peeps are fantastic. I mean fantastic. Hubby's work peeps insisted that I come out to dinner with them to Sonoma Grill (a high end steak joint). Kooky eccentric but fun people. G insisted that no one speak about work (works for me!) The food was unbelievable.
(FYI: I am drunk off of French wine as I write this post)

-grilled mushroom with garlic
-first course: a full lobster -- the best lobster of my life
-second course: mushroom soup -- I don't even eat things that are creamy... all I can say is decadent heaven
-third course: mixed greens with a yogurt dressing
-fourth course: portobello mushroom and risotto with truffle oil
-fifth course: fried bananas, molten chocolate cake and ice cream

I am stuffed! We didn't talk about boring work shit. No corporate anything. The conversation was personal. Dare I say it, authentic??? My husband works for a really good place. The higher ups are genuinely kind. The head honcho gave me his significant other's telephone number and said, "S is very fond of you." He also told me that I'm beautiful. Hubby's work told hubby he needs to relax more and not work so hard. My husband is C-R-A-Z-Y. I admit it, I make hubby cooler. He is type A (A for ANAL). I'm type C (C for Chilled Out). I make him cool.. or I bring out his inner coolness. Hubby and I are totally different. I love how we just mesh together.

I had a really good time. Good food. Amazing wine. Lots of laughs. I feel a little weepy. Even though my husband is away for me for so many hours of the day, it makes me happy that he works for such good company and for good people. I could be the PR person for his job, seriously.

Time for sex! Taiwan is making me very horny. I dreamt about sex all night long. Hubby's in for a treat. Peace.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Day 6: Taipei, Taiwan

The i-net Nazi is coming. This will be a quick post.

I got a full body massage at Sakura @ Ren-Ai Cirlce (right before Fuxing Rd). The cost was only $NT 1100... what a steal! The woman made me feel awesome. She said to me that 1) I looked like a college student 2) didn't realize American's could be so thin!

I then grabbed some snacks.

I walked to the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. Checked out the infamous Taipei 101 -- the tallest building in Taiwan. Tried weird food at the farmer markets. Got lost in the World Trade Center in Taiwan which apparently sells TONS of electronic gizmos.. I don't really get it.

Hubby and I checked out a night market close to our hotel. I forgot to take my camera! Hubby ate fried pork and french fries. I ordered a crab hibachi dinner. Hubby kept saying that I was eating frog legs. I couldn't get the vision of frog legs out of my head. I started feeling really sick. I puked at the hotel... there went dinner:(

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day 5: Taipei, Taiwan

I'm not a planner. I like an adventure with minimal planning. I hopped on the MRT and got off at Shilin Station. It's almost impossible to find vegetarian food. I'm not much of a meat eater. If I do eat meat I want it to be organic. I eat the standard meats: chicken and seafood. Luckily I was able to find one vegetarian place called Vegetarian Kitchen.

I wandered Shilin for hours. Drank a bubble tea that was spiked with voldka. YUM. I had a pretty good buzz going on and decided to get my haircut. I know, stupid. It's never a good idea to get your haircut when you don't speak the language. I pointed out 2 pictures in magazines. I wanted bangs. The hair dresser didn't speak any English. During my haircut panic struck me -- would I need to wear a hat everyday? With a pile of black hair surrounding me, there really was no turning back. It came out okay. The cost $NT 400! ($1 = $NT 33).

Hubby's a spazz. He's totally against me wandering around Taipei when it's dark out. Taipei is totally a safe city. One of his workmates is from Taiwan and she told him that she thinks it's unsafe (THANKS A BUNCH BEYOTCH). She's from the uber upper crust and a bit too cautious. I didn't want to give hubby a headache so I complied with his request. I only spent an hour or so at the Shinlin Night Market @ Jaintan Station. The night markets sell tons of cool shit and Taiwanese snack foods. I asked one lady what meat she was selling. She drew me a picture of a hairy leg and hoof. I wanted to puke. I tried to get vegetarian fair.

Uhm, mystery meat is not vegetarian fair. Something got lost in translation.

The rest of the night is a haze from too much red wine.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 4: Taipei, Taiwan

Temples, Temples, Temples!

The Temples are beautiful. I explored Longshan Temple. I walked around the Wanhua District and checked out Qingshui Temple & Qingshan Temple. Taiwanese people stopped by the temples and bowed and gave offerings.

I had to take a pee break. I had to squat. Thank goodness I brought tp with me. I'm so not into drip drying.

Snake alley was a bit creepy. It's supposed to be a big tourist spot (Huaxi Street) but I am really not into drinking snake blood. I didn't take any pics. Snake Alley was smelly.

Herb Alley was refreshing. Tons of cool greens and plants.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Why Have I Been MIA?

HUBBY!!!! Apparently when I login under our hotel id he gets booted off. Oops! Hubby lost 1/2 day of work because of that. Anyhow, he's working like a dog and being a i-net Nazi... so I haven't been updating. I have tons of pics to upload. There will probably be one lame catch up post. I tried to be good.... off to go explore!

Day 3: Taiepie, Taiwan

The breakfast spread at the hotel floored me: dumplings, Chinese rice porridge, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, every kind of pastry you could dream of, every kind of delicious hearty cereal, tons of fruit, nuts, dried fruit, smoked salmon, cheese, deli meats, tofu, vegetables, full service coffee/espresso made to order and more that I can't remember. I wanted to take pictures but felt like a dork!

I met up with hubby after breakfast and I walked with him while he had to do a work thing. I then took off to see 2-28 Memorial Peace Park. Argh, everything is closed on Mondays. I just saw the outside of the 2-28 Museum, Taiwan Museum & Museum of Contemporary Art. Here are some pics:

I then wandered around the Taipei Underground Wall. It was very cool. A mall underground near the subway station. People in Taiwan are hardcore into 80's clothes.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hal, art gallery & cultural office CLOSED for renovations!!!! Oh my luck! I snapped some pics of the outside *Le Sigh*:

I wandered around Taiwan, just taking in the smells and the sights. I had fun doing nothing else but people watching. I enjoyed a boba milk tea during my walk.

I'm back at my hotel now and I am exhausted. I have burned more calories than it is possible for me to consume in a day (I'm not complaining!). I need to take a nap before I hit the night markets tonight. My feet are killing me!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Day 2: Taipei, Taiwan

I don't think I have ever slept so well. The most comfie bed, down comforter and pillows. WOW. Hubby and I woke up a bit late. We missed breakfast. However, the hotel offers coffee/tea/soft drinks/snacks everyday from 6:30 am - 11:30 pm. My plate consisted of grapes, wasabi peas, taro chips, nuts & cheese. Hubby got some mini-sammies. I also got a some great java -- cappuccino. All of this shit was free. I seriously can't get over how phat this hotel is.

All of the signs in Taipei are in Chinese and English. I grabbed a map and headed to the subway (MRT). My first stop was the Jade Market. Crazy big. I am not experienced in jade and didn't want to take a chance on getting ripped off. I did tons of jade window shopping. I walked on over to the Flower Market. This is a green thumb's dream come true. Flowers and plants everywhere. Absolutely beautiful. I picked up a guava fruit. I have yet to find a guava in the U.S. that is so juicy, sweet and tender. I wish I had bought an entire bag full of guavas.

I was exhausted from all of my walking. Hubby was at a business meeting and I headed down to the health club/spa. I started off in the steam room, then the sauna and then a jacuzzi that was larger that most pools [all of this is in the women's locker room]. Tons of naked women. I went into the jacuzzi in my bikini and let the jets of water massage my weary body. Someone kindly informed me that I had to go in naked. Well when in Rome.... I finished off with a swim on the roof top pool. The view was literally breath taking.

Hubby found me longing around in the roof top jacuzzi. We cabbed it over to a dim sum place at Din Tai Fung. I don't think I like pork! I detest pork dumplings, weird brown sauce exploded in my mouth as soon as I bit into the dumpling. Eeeew.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Day 1: Taipei, Taiwan

[View from my window]
I arrived at my hotel around 10 or 10:30 pm. I'm staying at the most ridiculous hotel. This is hands down the most amazing hotel I have ever stayed at in my life -- Far Eastern Hotel. Un-fucking real. Thank you hubby's work! [While I was in Colorado for government business, I stayed at nasty hotel. I was fearful of bedbugs.]

I tried to carry my own bags to my room but the hotel staff insisted. That's so weird. I'm just not used to that kind of stuff. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. I jumped into the gi-normous bathtub. Bath salts were provided. I soaked and watched a movie on the plasma. Hubby calls me and says, "can you be ready in 2 minutes, we're going to go out and party, I've got a BMW and a driver." We respectively drive a Corolla and a Honda Civic hybrid. What world am I in??? There's no way in hell I can get ready in 2 minutes. I tell him that I can jump out of the tub and be ready in 30 minutes. He should know better than ask me such a ridiculous question.

Holy shit. The people we were with party like crazy. I have never seen alcohol flow so freely. I was a bit intimidated. What was I going to talk about with these i-bankers? I have nothing in common. I don't think I even like i-bankers. Luckily, the loud club music and the alcohol kept everyone preoccupied. I hella don't mind free champagne. It's so strange to see tons of Asian people in Taiwan dancing to hip-hop. I had mad fun dancing with hubby and not paying for one single drink!