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Water Dragon Indeed

This pregnancy has been such a joy, in part because I connect with Chubby through meditation and Reiki.  He was adamant about us not flying to DC this past weekend for a work related conference.  He even told me that he would make sure it wasn't going to happen.  I didn't fly.  However, I was not surprised at all when my perinatologist told me yesterday that I had a low lying placenta at 29 weeks (I believe the placenta is 1.6 cm from the cervix).


My doctor isn't too concerned.  I'm supposed to call immediately if I see any bleeding.  I'm allowed to go to yoga, hike, have sex, etc.  Chubby is head down and he just has to move directly in front of the cervix before the placenta blocks it.  So Chubby is on a race with the placenta (goal is cervix).  I suspect he will win.  I went to bed doing Reiki on chubby and communicating through meditation that he must move down.  I followed up this morning.  I think my belly is dropping. I know Chubby doesn't want a C-section, so he's gonna move.

Not worried!  Going to Reiki circle on Sunday, can't even wait!!

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