Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Oh My Goodness Soba Noodles with Kale

Originally, I was planning on making this soba noodle salad.  Unfortunately, I was plum out of miso paste.  Regardless, the end result was so incredibly delish that my almost 4 year old exclaimed, "mommy, OH MY GOODNESS, I can't wait to eat these noodles!"

Cooked one package of 100% soba noodles according to the instruction on the package.  Drain noodles and wash with cold water until the noodles were cold.

I food processed 1 bunch of dinosaur kale because even kids with itty bitty fingers can't pick out tiny pieces of kale. Sauted the kale in coconut oil.  Added a splash of TJ's soyaki to cut the bitter kale-ness.  Dumped in yellow sliced zucchini to the pan  because it was going bad in my fridge.  Veggies cooked.

I then made a peanut dressing from this recipe

I combined the soba noodles, veggies, dressing and a splash of TJ's sesame ginger dressing.  Lastly, the noodles got topped with sunflower seeds for a nice crunch.

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Vegetable Biryani -- Quick & Easy

Vegetable biryani used to scare me to death.  I can't seem to understand how to cook rice partially on the stove top and finish off in the oven (my rice is either hard or disgustingly mushy) and my mom just happens to be the reigning chicken biryani queen.  I finally conquered this dish by using parts of this recipe and my brother's recipe. 

First, make the rice on the stove top:

  • In a large pot heat up coconut oil (can sub with olive oil, grape seed oil, etc.).  Then add 1 cinnamon stick, 2 cloves and 2 cardamon to the oil.  
  • Once all of the whole spices get fragrant, add 1 cup of basmati rice (I used brown rice) and fry until the rice gets golden.  
  • Then add tons of water and boil the rice until perfectly cooked.  There is no need to measure the water because you simply strain the rice in a colander.  EASY.

Second, cook veggies and make a veggie masala:

  • Heat oil in a big ass skillet.  Saute 1/2 an onion and 1/2 a bell pepper until onion turns transparent.
  • Then add spices to the onion bell pepper mix:  1.5 teaspoons biryani masala (ready made from the Indian store), 1/4 teaspoon Lahore fish masala ( ready made from the Indian masala), 1 cinnamon, 1 bay leaf and 2 teaspoons ginger/garlic paste (I was lazy and used the pre-made stuff from the Indian store).  Make sure this spice paste does not burn!!!  Saute for a minute or two until the spices smell fragrant.  
  • I had steamed cauliflower on hand and added that to the skillet plus 1 cup of frozen veggies and golden raisins.  
  • Saute everything until the veggies are cooked.  
Third, mix it all up:

I dumped the rice into my skillet which contained the veggie masala mix.  I added salt to taste and lemon juice.  I roasted some cashews and added that to the mix.  Lastly, I fried up onions and sprinkled on top of the biryani for a crunchy and flavorful garnish.

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Friday, May 17, 2013

My little bujji is a gap model!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm Feeling Emo

And that is reason enough to not blog.  Nothing is wrong.  I have all these thoughts floating through my head -- they collide into one another and some just vanish after making an appearance.  Maybe it's because my youngest is turning one years old next month.  Maybe it's because so many of the things we dreamed of happening just did.  Or maybe it's just because I need to start meditating and make it a daily practice.  Le sigh, even writing this blog post I know why I'm feeling emo, it's time to meditate.  Why is that so daunting???

Even in this hectic state of mind, the signs are clear -- slow down, breathe and sit still.  Yesterday I was wiped out with violent vomiting from some crazy bug. I know it's time to go inwards and connect with the universal life force.  So I'm committing to a challenge of 15 minute meditation for 30 days (yes, I'm procrastinating and this commitment starts tomorrow and not at 11:58 pm).  Why 15 minutes? For some reason I keep coming across this website -- maybe it's a sign?


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Congratulations to A&S

My one and only little brother got married.