Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 28: Age 5; Day 29: The previous day

It's what happened after these Reiki sessions that's important.  I recently dealt with an uncomfortable and awkward situation.  My brother is dating my live-in nanny and it created stress and anxiety in my body for the following reasons:

  • ear that he'll get hurt (he's on the heals of a divorce) and I am very protective over my younger brother, fiercely so;
  • Anger towards my nanny for behaving in an unprofessional manner (i.e., never having a discussion with me; make out session in my loft, etc.)
  • General awkwardness while I am in my house working and she cares for my children.
Today I was reminded to go back to my fundamental Reiki precepts:  Just for today do not worry; Just for today do not anger; Just for today be honest; etc.

I have no control over any other human being.  I have full control over my emotions.  I can not worry about the emotional state of a grown man, even though he his my darling younger brother.  I can openly communicate with him and share my thoughts, but then I need to be able to detach.  I need to be able to release any negative emotions, why marinate in negative energy?

And then of course, there was a feeling of, "SHIT DUDE, why don't you get it??  You did Reiki I and II, you should be better than this!!"  Fuck that.  All of these are my experiences and they are helping me grow daily.  I will not look at myself with eyes of punishment, self-doubt, disappointment... this is my journey and my heart is open to grow in love and light.

So thank you divine consciousness for throwing this awkward curve ball my way;)

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