Let’s take a look back to
October 2005, shall we? I still don’t know where my relationship with God currently stands. Admittedly, I am a bad Catholic and rarely go to Mass (I routinely miss the High Holidays – gasp).
After the miscarriage I was livid with anger towards God. I prayed everyday of my pregnancy that my baby would be healthy. I thought babies were God’s domain b/c we simply understand little of the mysteries of pregnancy and why miscarriages truly happen, and the rhetoric the doctor gives, “must have been a chromosomal abnormality” isn’t a sufficient explanation. I thought for sure God heard my prayers. Why not? I hadn’t simply gotten knocked up. This baby was planned and deeply wanted. Hubby and I waited 2+ years to get preggers so that we would be emotionally and financially sound as well as provide us a couple of years of just couple time. Yes, I thought if anyone deserves bringing a baby into this world it’s me and hubby.
I realized that God was not listening to my prayers on Saturday night when the bleeding turned heavy, the cramping started and a large clot passed through me. I shook my fist toward the Heavens and yelled to Him, “Why couldn’t you just have given me this? Why did I get pregnant just to miscarry? This isn’t fair. Plenty of people in this world curse at their bellies hoping for a miscarriage and yet they carry their baby to full term. Why did you not listen to my prayers?” God gave me no answers and I told Him to fuck off.
Then there are all of you. Your support and love through comments, emails and silent prayers/meditations have cocooned me in a healing light. I know the simple reason that I am able to start the healing process regarding my baby’s loss is because of you. I can feel this positive energy surround me. While my faith is far from being fully restored, your positive energy has brought me closer to the Higher Power I call God.
To all of you: thank you for your love and support.