Monday, February 11, 2008

Plants & Fertility

I bought plants. The first living things that I am nurturing in my house (husband not included). The picture above is not a weed plant, it's a false aralia and STUNNING. I purchased a moisture meter. I don't want to over or under water my assortment of plants. The moisture meter was $7.99 and I love it. It tells me how much moisture surrounds the root. I'm really getting into this plant thing. I wake up and open my windows. I let the SoCal sunshine in. I check the soil in each plant. I water as needed. This gives me hope that I won't let my future child starve.

Tomorrow I start my morning with a wand up my vagina for an ultrasound. I start my hormone therapy. In 30 days or so I'll find out if this IUI cycle is a success. Hopefully the plants will still be alive and I'll have a bun in the oven. Let's not get ahead of ourselves in the hope department.....I'm just hoping I don't kill my plants.

1 comment:

LL said...

I've grown and nurtured a child, but I'm still afraid to own a plant! I like the idea of a moisture meter though.

Good luck with the appointment and IUI, I'm rooting for you!

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

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