Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tagged: To Write a 6 Word Poem

Belly filled with hope


Tazzy Star just tagged me to write a six word poem. Clearly my pregnancy is on my thoughts. The above pic is from December 2006 when I was last pregnant. My skin was glowing. My breasts full. My belly fully of hope. What's strange, is that I will be due around the time I had my first miscarriage -- almost 2 years later.

I have to physically push the fears out of my mind about miscarriages and abnormal pregnancies. Everything is going just fine right now and that's all I have, but it's enough. On my drive to work, I chastised myself for having any doubts or pessimism. First all I wanted was just to ovulate -- then I wanted to just conceive -- then I just wanted the HCG numbers to double -- and now I want to see a heartbeat. Enough with the "just want this" mentality.

The six word memoir rules are:
write your own six word memoir.
post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
link to the person that tagged you in your post.
tag five more blogs with links.
leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

1 comment:

Tazzy Star said...

Has it really been two years? That's crazy...inshallah, your tubby will be with us soon.

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...