Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hollywood Up To No Good

Hollywood is full of beautiful, stylish and sassy women. Whenever I drive down Hollywood Blvd or Melrose I am amazed by the unique styles of fashion on absolutely lovely ladies. I’ll be the first to admit that I used to have my own jealousies, especially with regard to other women. The women that I was most jealous of were the ones that are simultaneously authentic, successful, empowered and confident. My jealousy was directed towards women I didn’t know, not at my friends b/c when you’re one my girls all is good. After moving to Cali and being surrounded by the chill vibe, I have mellowed out from the uptight Yankee that I used to be.

This brings us to today’s story. Essentially, everyone in Hollywood is in the industry (and I do mean the entertainment industry). I too have thrown myself into the mix and am working in the film industry. In my new film world, I have met many desi chicas that seem to be authentic, liberal and sassy (girls after my own heart) and jealousy has not reared its ugly head. Instead I approach these women with openness, intrigue and admiration.

Jealousy is an ugly emotion. It does nothing more than to bring negativity. Jealousy is indeed a sign of insecurity. I am happy to see that it is diminishing from my life. I do believe that women’s cattiness is one of the reason there is no true “Old Girls Club.” I hope to see one in the near future.


kit and kumari said...

jealousy is such a ugly dangerous thing... i have also been victim of the "hate her because i want what she has" syndrome. i really don't like who i am during those times and have tried really hard to remove, or at least suppress, jealous actions and thoughts. i, like you, kind it easier in CA than in IL, esp. in the Bay Area. seems like the entire vibe of SF is: i'm ok, you're ok. and that's totally ok with me.

roonie said...

I really need to learn to like myself more. That's the key to taming jealousy - like what you've got and you won't want what anyone else has.

Upbhransh said...

Wow, you write so good!I am so jealous :D

Bengali Chick said...

Upbhransh: Ha! There is nothing to envy when it comes to my writing:)

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