Thursday, July 20, 2006


I have like maybe one desi acquaintancee (she’s in my book club). Seriously. I have a very diverse array of friends but not many desis in real life (I heart my desi blogger friends).

Okay so hubby is Punjabi but I never wanted to marry an Indian EVER, to my parents chagrin. The reason being is I grew up in CT and all the desis were Fobby as hell. Not my people in any way shape or form. The others I ran into that weren’t quite as Fobby were not much of independent thinkers (not liberal, ultra conservative, kinda like oh my god is that Indian girl dating an non-Indian), once again not my people. Growing up in CT from the age 0 to 24 I never made a single desi friend.

So move out to Cali, marry a desi yet still no desi friends (Hubby I thought you would have hooked it up). I don’t work with any desis. There are no desis in my circle of friends, besides the one gal from my bookclub which I haven’t hung out with. At this point, being in Cali, I have seen that there are many cool, non-Fobby desis. So I am willing to make friends with them. The opportunity just hasn’t really presented itself.

So I’m not desi-discriminating, I’m desi-open. Where are you people?


Chic Mommy said...

I'm desi open but a magnet for FOBs. Here in NJ, I have a good friend I hang out with, she's an American married to a Pakistani, and she is really cool. Other than that I don't have a social life.

Roonie said...

I think most Desis are on the East Coast. I have a cajillion Desi friends from law school. But I have a Desi friend living in Huntington Beach (from law school) - she's taking the bar right now, but you will meet her after she's finished. Her name is Sunita and she's loads of fucking fun! I adore her and you will too.

Bengali Chick said...

CM -- I don't blame you. From my experience, desis in NJ were pretty Fobbi. I don't know how you balance life and 3 kids. You're a strong woman!

Roonie: Sista hoook it up!

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...