Monday, July 3, 2006

Bengali Chick in the House

Okay so a friend of mine, clever girl that she is, pointed out to me that people IRL can find me b/c like a dope I've used my hubby's name and my nickname on the blog/posts. CRAP-O-LA. I've tried to contain the problem by editing posts. We live in LA -- the land of weirdos and I don't want someone finding me if I don't want to be found. So from now on I'm "Bengali Chick." Friends who know me, don't be weirded out when you see comments on your blog from Bengali Chick (it's me).


Roonie said...

Can I just call you BC for short?

Bengali Chick said...

totally! I always have too many syllables in my name -- nickname and IRL name

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...