Monday, April 30, 2007

Magic Noodles

Why do I call them magic noodles? Uhm.. what else do you call 2 serving of noodles for 40 calories? The magic noodles are actually Shiratki noodles made from tofu but don't taste like tofu or anything really. The noodles are great for a guilt-free pad thai or stir fry. A thank you to the low-carb gods.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Donde do I buy them?!

Bengali Chick said...

Ralph's has them near the tofu section.

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...