Sunday, February 25, 2007

Negative Energy

Hubby and I decided to drive to Culver City to check out the Agape Spiritual Center. I wanted to check out Agape b/c Rev. Dr. Michael Beck was on Oprah's show regarding "The Secret." Hubby is an agnostic but graciously provided me his company. As soon as we pulled into Agape's parking lot, hubby stated, "I don't like this place, I feel like it's sucking away my positive energy." I was definitely alarmed. My husband isn't hippy-dippy or into energy or any of that stuff. I also didn't feel right and my head started hurting. I looked at hubby and I asked him if he was being serious. He replied, "of course I'll go in with you, but honestly, I prefer not to." I quickly zipped out of the parking lot. As soon as we hit La Cienega, driving away from Agape, both hubby and I felt better.

Just strange. Simply strange. We went to the local Catholic Church in our hood to take some time to be still and thank God for our many blessings.


chai said...

how strange!!! but you followed your guts and that is a beautiful thing!

It will pass... said...

I think that the most important part of our spiritual searching is to never stop listening to our hearts and our instincts.

Roonie said...

Weird. That's very unlike him to say. Very weird indeed.

Loving My Life said...

Definitely glad you followed your instincts. If it wasn't for you and hubby then it just wasn't!

ZONKERS, refound my blog (THIS blog) from 2005

Wow, it's cringe worthy in all of its honest glory.  I am in the middle of re-reading almost 500 posts.  It's awesome to relive most...